Week 3: Patchwork Blocks
Welcome to week 3, this week we will be focusing on making our patchwork blocks. This is going to be a pretty simple week, the four square patchwork block consists of basic piecing. You should already have your fabric cut from week 1, before we get started let's take a look at where these blocks will be going. We have two important things to keep in mind while preparing our blocks, I'm sure some of you already know what they are. So let's take a look.
Did you guess what it was? That's right! We are using directional fabric and the pattern shows two different block configurations. You'll need an equal amount of both configurations to assemble your quilt top. Once you have that number figured out, it's time to get ready to chain piece.
To get started I placed my blocks right sides up into two piles, I made a separate pile for each block configuration. This allowed me to do some chain piecing at my machine, with some added breaks pressing the blocks at my ironing board. When you are finished you will have a giant pile similar to mine featured above. Don't panic! It's not as bad as it looks.
**IMPORTANT** The key to getting a perfect patchwork block, is nesting the seams right sides together of the top and bottom row. Most of you will already know this tip, but if you are a beginner this is a very important step to making sure your middle seam aligns perfectly.I hope you are all enjoying the sew along thus far, the most exciting step is coming up next week: piecing your quilt top. Just a reminder for those of you who are following along, make sure you comment below or send us a message, you have the chance to win TWO tickets to see Anne the Musical at the Confederation Center of the Arts.